Getting started

Community Earth System Model (CESM) installation instructions are available via the README on the GitHub repository. The cube sphere grid is available as of CESM2.2.0.

Cloning and installing


CESM has already been ported and should work “out of the box” on most of the supercomputers that are widely used in the geosciences community, including Pleiades. When compiling the model, ensure to set the machine command line option, --mach to match the supercomputer you are working on.

cd <installation_directory>
git clone cesm2_1_3
cd cesm2_1_3
git checkout release-cesm2.1.3

Commonly used grids

The CESM documentation includes a comprehensive list of grids. Typically, grids have descriptive long names when they are defined such as fv0.9x1.25 – which is the atmospheric finite volume ~1° grid – or gx1v7 – which is the seventh version of the oceanic displaced Greenland pole ~1° grid.

These long names are shortened when the atmospheric/land grids are coupled to the ocean/sea ice grid. Instead of fv0.9x1.25 and gx1v7, the shortened name becomes f09_g17.

Atmospheric grids

The workhorse atmospheric grid is the ~1° finite-volume f09 grid, which is used for CMIP experiments and the Large Ensemble. Other grids used for iHESP are the f05 ~0.5° finite volume grid and the f02 ~0.25° finite volume grid.

Cube sphere

As of CESM2.2.0, CAM supports a spectral element dynamical core (CAM-SE) on cube-sphere grids. Lauritzen et al. (2017) 1 list the available cube-sphere grids in their Table 1. A subset of their table is reproduced here.

Grid name

Average node spacing

Model timestep


∼208 km

1,800 s


∼111 km

1,800 s


∼56 km

900 s


∼28 km

450 s


∼14 km

225 s

The analog to the ~1.0° f09 finite volume grid is the ne30 ~1.0° spectral element grid.


In addition to supporting the spectral element dynamical core on these grids, CAM also supports GFDL’s FV3 dynamical core on the ~1.0° C96 grid. For more information, see the CAM developmental compsets documentation.

Oceanic grids


The workhorse oceanic grid is the ~1° displaced Greenland pole grid. There are two configurations of it that CESM2.1.3 is compatible with, gx1v6 (g16) and gx1v7 (g17). These grids are identical, except in g17, the Caspian Sea has been removed from the ocean/sea ice domain and inserted into the land domain.






The eddy-resolving grid is ~0.1° Poseidon Tripole grid. Again, just like with the low-resolution grid, there are two configurations of it that CESM2.1.3 is compatible with, tx0.1v2 (t12) and tx01.v3 (t13). These grids are identical, except in t13, the Caspian Sea has been removed from the ocean/sea ice domain and inserted into the land domain.





Building a case

The scripts for building cases within CESM are part of a software collection known as the Common Infrastructure for Modeling the Earth (CIME). This software supports both NCAR models and those developed within the Department of Energy’s Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) collection. Thus the build scripts to create a new case are contained within the cime subdirectory.

cd <installation_directory>/cesm2_1_3/cime/scripts
create_clone    create_test        fortran_unit_testing  query_config     tests
create_newcase  data_assimilation  lib                   query_testlists  Tools

The create_newcase script is invoked and passed command line arguments to build a new case.

Command line option



The directory the case will be built in. It is common practice to include the experiment’s grid resolution and component set (described below) in the name of the case so that these aspects can be easily identified when browsing the file system later.


The component set of the experiment, including which models will be actively integrating (atmosphere, land, ocean, sea ice) and what boundary forcing will be used. CESM has an extensive list of component set definitions and these instructions using the FHIST compset, which has an active atmospheric component, the Community Atmosphere Model version 6, and historical sea surface forcing, staring in 1979.


The grid resolution the model will run on. Each grid includes at least two parts, the atmospheric/land grid and the ocean/sea ice grid to which it is coupled. These instructions use a low-resolution finite volume grid for the atmosphere, fv0.9x1.25 and couple it to a ~1° ocean/sea ice grid, gx1v7. These grid names are truncated into f09_g17. Again, CESM has an extensive list of available grids.


The upercomputer the case will be built on. These instructions build a case on NCAR’s Cheyenne computer, however, if you are building on Pleiades, consult the table in the note below.


The account code the project will be run on. When jobs from the experiment are run, the specified account will automatically be debited. Replace PXXXXXXXX with your project code.


Since the cube-sphere grid is a newly released aspect of CESM that is not used in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project runs, it is not considered a scientifically supported grid yet. In order to use it, you need to append this option.


If you are building on pleiades, the core layout per node differs based on which nodes you are using. These differences are alreay accounted for within CESM. When specifying --mach there are four valid options:

Compute node processor

Corresponding --mach option





Ivy Bridge


Sandy Bridge


To build a case using the ~1° f09 finite volume grid:

./create_newcase --case /glade/work/johnsonb/cesm_runs/FHIST.cesm2_1_3.f09_g17.001 --compset FHIST --res f09_g17 --mach cheyenne --project PXXXXXXXX --run-unsupported
Creating Case directory /glade/work/johnsonb/cesm_runs/FHIST.cesm2_1_3.f09_g17.001

The case directory has successfully been created. Change to the case directory and set up the case.

cd /glade/work/johnsonb/cesm_runs/FHIST.cesm2_1_3.f09_g17.001

The case.setup script scaffolds out the case directory, creating the Buildconf and CaseDocs directories that you can customize. These instructions use the default configurations and continue on to compiling the model. On machines that don’t throttle CPU usage on the login nodes, the command can be invoked. On Cheyenne, however, CPU intensive activities are killed on the login nodes, you will need to use a build wrapper to build the model on a shared compute node and specify a project code. Again, replace PXXXXXXXX with your project code.

qcmd -q share -l select=1 -A PXXXXXXXX -- ./

The model build should progress for several minutes. If it compiles properly, a success message should be printed.

Time spent not building: 6.320388 sec
Time spent building: 603.685347 sec

The model is actually built and run in a user’s scratch space.


Submitting a job

To submit a job, change to the case directory and use the case.submit script. The -M begin,end option sends the user an email when the job starts and stops running.

When the case is built, its default configuration is to run for five model days. This setting can be changed to run for a single model day using ./xmlchange STOP_N=1.

cd /glade/work/johnsonb/cesm_runs/FHIST.cesm2_1_3.f09_g17.001
./xmlchange STOP_N=1
./case.submit -M begin,end
Submitted job id is
Submitted job with id
Submitted job case.st_archive with id

Restart file

After the job completes, restart files are written to the run directory which is also in scratch space. These restart files are written for both active and data components. The CAM restart file contains a cam.r substring. By default, the FHIST case begins on January 1st, 1979. Thus, the restart file will be for January 2nd, 1979.


The fields in the restart file can be plotted using various langauges such as MATLAB or Python’s matplotlib.



Lauritzen, P. H., and Coauthors, 2018: NCAR Release of CAM-SE in CESM2.0: A Reformulation of the Spectral Element Dynamical Core in Dry-Mass Vertical Coordinates With Comprehensive Treatment of Condensates and Energy. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10, 1537–1570, doi:10.1029/2017MS001257.