Forcing ocean and sea ice components

Runs with active ocean and sea ice components that are forced with prescribed atmospheric fluxes can be customized by editing the data atmosphere namelist and streams files.


The data atmosphere fields can come from any source as long as they contain the requisite forcing fields. The easiest way to generate a “correct” set of atmospheric forcing fields is to use coupler history files from a CESM run in which CAM is active, but forcing from other reanalyses and data products such as JRA-55 and GISS are also acceptable.

The CIME documentation does contain instructions for configuring data atmosphere files. However, the instructions contained in that document are vague:

“Edit the user_datm.streams.txt.* file.”

Setting up a case to get acquainted with the files

Setting up a G compset case is the simplest way to become familiar with the data atmosphere stream files (datm.streams*).

cd <cesm_root>/cime/scripts/
./create_newcase --case /glade/work/${USER}/cases/G.fosi.f09_g17.001 --compset G --res f09_g17 --project PXXXXXXXX --run-unsupported
cd /glade/work/${USER}/cases/G.fosi.f09_g17.001

The preview_namelists script will fill the CaseDocs with the namelist and data streams files necessary to build a forced ocean/sea ice (FOSI) run.

ls CaseDocs/
atm_modelio.nml                   datm.streams.txt.presaero.clim_2000   ice_in           seq_maps.rc
cpl_modelio.nml                   drof_in                               ice_modelio.nml  wav_in
datm_in                           drof.streams.txt.rof.diatren_ann_rx1  lnd_modelio.nml  wav_modelio.nml
datm.streams.txt.CORE2_NYF.GISS   drv_in                                ocn_modelio.nml
datm.streams.txt.CORE2_NYF.GXGXS  esp_modelio.nml                       pop_in
datm.streams.txt.CORE2_NYF.NCEP   glc_modelio.nml                       rof_modelio.nml

There are four datm.streams* files. They contain a lists of all of the forcing fields from coupler history files that are necessary to conduct a FOSI run.

Structure of a data atmosphere stream file

The data atmosphere stream files are XML files that specify a domain file, a variable file and a time offset.

vim CaseDocs/datm.streams.txt.CORE2_NYF.GISS

These are the XML nodes in a datm.streams* file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<file id="stream" version="1.0">
      time    time
      lon      lon
      lat      lat
      area    area
      mask    mask
      lwdn  lwdn
      swdn  swdn
      swup  swup

The dataSource node typically specifies where the data come from. While this GISS file merely says GENERIC, the dataSource node from the CAM6 reanalysis is more descriptive, CAM6-DART Ensemble Reanalysis (NCAR RDA ds345.0).

The domainInfo node specifies a netCDF domain file and the variables it contains, time, lon, lat, area, mask. In this example, the forcing fields are specified on the T62 spectral grid.

The fieldInfo node specifies a netCDF variable file and the variables it contains. There are two strings in the variableNames entry because the data source might name a field differently than what the coupler is expecting. For example, in CaseDocs/datm.streams.txt.CORE2_NYF.GXGXS, the precipitation variable is declared in this manner:

   prc  prec

The pair of strings translate between the variable key in the GXGXS source file (Large and Yeager, 2004) 1 which specifies this field as prc and the key expected by the coupler, which is prec.

Time offset and axis mode

The time offset, offset, and time axis mode, taxmode, are the trickiest aspects of the datm.streams* files to get right.

The best explanation of these settings is in the CLM Customizing the DATM namelist documentation.

Specified fields

These are the fields that should be specified for a FOSI run:

  • lwdn downwelling longwave radiation

  • swdn downwelling shortwave radiation

  • swup upwelling shortwave radiation

  • prec precipitation

  • dens density

  • pslv sea level pressure

  • shum specific humidity

  • tbot 10-meter temperature

  • u 10-meter zonal velocity

  • v 10-meter meridional velocity



Large, W. G., and S. G. Yeager, 2004: Diurnal to decadal global forcing for ocean and sea-ice models: The data sets and flux climatologies. NCAR Tech. Note NCAR/TN-460+STR, 111 pp.