Modifying setup scripts for NUOPC


It isn’t actually necessary to use a setup script to create a multi-instance CESM case to test NUOPC functionality. CIME’s ./create_newcase script can be invoked with the --ninst option instead.


The setup scripts for coupled CESM runs in the DART 9.X.X releases are already Manhattan compliant, however they invoke CESM utilities that are no longer present in CESM2.0.

Upgrading these setup scripts to test NUOPC functionality involves removing references to CESM1 utilities and replacing them the analagous utilities from CIME that CESM2 makes use of.


For example, setting up CESM1 made heavy use of environmental variables that were accessed using the Tools/ccsm_getenv utility.

The analagous functionality in CESM2 uses CIME’s xmlquery utility, since many of these variables are now stored in xml configuration files rather than environmental variables.

Tractable path

To learn which aspects of the setup scripts need to be modified, you can diff the existing cam-fv and pop scripts, since both CESM1 and CESM2 versions of these scripts are contained within the DART repository.

You should begin by modifying the CESM perfect model obs setup script in DART/models/CESM/shell_scripts/CESM1_1_1_setup_pmo.

POP example

cd DART/models/pop/shell_scripts
diff cesm1_x/CESM1_1_1_setup_pmo cesm2_1/setup_CESM_perfect_model.csh

CAM example

cd DART/models/cam-fv/shell_scripts
diff cesm1_5/setup_hybrid cesm2_1/setup_hybrid